Thursday, August 07, 2014

Call for SCRANCH Interns

Soon, my isolated farm world will be turned on its ass with intense travel and giant ruby milestones – a wedding, a reunion and a week-long comedy fundraiser to run. But before landing in Colorado and California, a request:  

Call for SCRANCH Interns! I need some help and most importantly, I need a witness and temporary sidekick. 

  • Field Work: help harvest, maintain garden and assist with Farmers Market
  • Kitchen Work: assist in using harvested produce and herbs when cooking
  • Reporting: document the experience – writing, photos, video, music and yes, social media. Did I mention video?  
What to expect: hard work, unpredictable weather and a unique view of an expansive hidden America where the food industry starts. There will likely be pie.

  • Required 4-6 days in August – October.
  • Uniform not required but khaki is nice.
  • Can cover 1/2 airfare, lodging, transportation and most meals.
Curious? Here's a post from last summer's intern

Taters in bloom!
Interested parties shoot me an email ( or contact me via Facebook. 

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